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 You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. Orders within the USA before 12pm EST will ship the same day Priority Mail (2-3 day) and the tracking # will be emailed to you.
We can ship products anywhere in the world. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment’s destination. Our shipping charges are determined by the total weight of your order. International shipping on average takes about 7-10 days.
99% of our international order ship via USPS prioority international with tracking and insurance. You should receive tracking information within 1 business day of your order.
If you want your item shipped another way then email us direct with the list of items needed for a quote.
You are responsible for the address on your paypal/billing payment-so keep it updated otherwise you will be charged to ship again if the item gets returned to us for a bad address.